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Body,Mind & Soul

International holistic care 

My  —  




The holistic healing approach means each person is treated as a unique individual and their body, mind, spirit and emotions are all considered in the management and prevention of disease. 

Megumi Ishiwata de Escorcia is an international professional holistic therapist with 10+ years experience in the field of wellness and energy healing in UK, Australia and Japan. Currently based on Latin America, working with holistic doctors.

In addition she had spent 7 years as an advisor/dispenser at Homeopathic Pharmacy in London.

Megumi cares deeply about her patients and the combination of listening, gentle questioning and homeopathic/flower remedies are very powerful. With her energy healing one gets a truly holistic approach greatly as it allows issues to be addressed at both the emotional and physical level also grounding, and being more in control of how it feel and approach life.

She specialises in women’s wellness and mental health issues (eg: stress, trauma, anxiety, panic attack and depression).

Her passionately believe that we all have amazing own healing power and it is more than we though!


"Durante tratamiento me senti tranquilo por lo que me transmitia Megumi en sus explicaciones y aun mas en su enfoque holistico que refleja a travez de combinaciones de remedios para balancear tu mente y cuerpo." 

- J.P  U.S.A

"Megumi es una terapeuta que esta pendiente de sus pacientes, siempre esta disponible para ser contactada por sus pacientes y eso da mucha tranquilidad."

- D.E  Colombia 

"Each times, The Life activation hearing gives me great feeling, strongly conecte my higher-self (like my nature spirits)and grounding. It's opens my mind up more wider and clear. I have never have such a powerful refreshing treatment !!"

- K.Y  Japan

- Y.A   U.K

"When Megumi did to me Emotion-free therapy, I did not recognize at all my stress emotions! BUT it was that more than I expected that because my chronic back pain has gone after the session!! She told me that emotion heals physically both connecting,it is make sense to me."  


Homeopathy is a complete system of medicine that helps the whole body physically and mentally to heal naturally. 

It has been in worldwide use for over 200 years, treating an unlimited number of diseases and conditions.  

Flower Remedy therapy has ability to promote healing on the emotional, mental and spiritual levels, which then helps to create more health and harmony in your physical body.

The therapist selects the most appropriate homeopathic remedy and flower remedy based on the individual's specific symptoms and personal level of health.

It is gentle and safe, with no side effects, and the remedies can be used alongside other medication without any harmful effects. These therapies are suitable for any ages, acute and chronic conditions.


The Emotion-free therapy was created by Japanese therapist Mr. Masanobu Inagaki.  

This technique works by releasing your emotions, thoughts, and beliefs quickly and easily during session. 

It begins a process of releasing unconscious patterns (old emotional traps we fall into) while increasing your ability to use more of your brain and clears family or others.

Benefits include: 

・trauma, shock, bad expriencese

・low self-esteem 

・anger, irritability

・sadness, anxiety and depression

​・over thinking, natural worrier

・bad habit

・any kind of stress, unhappiness

Emotion-free therapy can shorten the healing time for many of these.


Jikiden Reiki is an integrated hands-on and distant healing practice that attunes, develops and supports the natural latent human healing energy. It is very effective for children as well. Results may include becoming calm and better focus.

Jikiden Reiki has not been diluted, changed, or added to since 1920's, extremely steeped in Japanese tradition.

Ensofic Reiki Healing is an integrated hands-on and distant healing practice as well as Jikiden Reiki.
Ensofic Reiki assists you on every level of your spiritual, physical, mental and emotional. 

Benefits include: 

・Clearing negative thought patterns

・Relief from stress and physical illness

・Provides deep relaxation 

・Restore balance and promotes healing on many levels

・Removing toxins from the body and guiding it towards wholeness.

Also, Both Reiki healing complements any other forms of treatment medical or otherwise.


Life Activation is over 3000 year old healing that brings light into the physical body and balances several energetic structures, including elemental, chakra, magnetic and etheric. 

It activates 22 strands of you DNA bringing more light into your body and thus awakening your divine blueprint and strengthening your connection to your Higher Self.

It makes your life flow better, because it will shine light on the patterns that need shifting, the abilities and gifts that are within you and it will bring  greater clarity on sense of self and purpose.

Ultimately, this powerful healing modality helps people find harmony between your mind, body and spirit.

・Crown Cap Removal

・Central Core Balancing

・16 Lotus Petal Awakening

・Elemental and Magnetic Line Balancing

・Chakra Balancing

・Negative Crystal Removal

・Brief Reading

The benefits from this powerful and truly transformative healing modality are countless.



WhatsApp: +44 - 7766 - 349491

instagram: @vidaheals_remedy

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